Details der Immobilie
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Vicky Redrick
Redrick Realty & Associates
Lizenznummer: 0544917
Tel.: 469-223-0254
Mobiltelefon: 469-223-0254
Fax: 972-692-0993
Desoto, Texas 75115
Ihre Nachricht:
TBD Lot B US 277, Hawley, Texas 79601, USA
Listenpreis: $232.720
Preis je 1 m2: 215.204,23 $
Status: ACT
MLS Nr.: 20381442
Objektart: Land kaufen, Grundstück
Grundstücksgröße : 11,64 fuß2 (1,08 m2)
Details der Immobilie
Teilbar, Grundstück mit einer Straßenfront Grundstücksbeschreibung:
Hawley ISD Schulbezirk:
Hawley Grundschule:
Hawley Gymnasium:
Hawley Mittelstufe:
FOR SALE. LOT B is approximately 11.636 acres. There is a total of roughly 89 acres that the seller has divided into potential parcels. You can be the first one to make a decision and have more options for choosing your size and layout. There is water available to service the 6 current parcels. Additional divisions or development of parcels into smaller parcels would require additional infrastructure. There is currently not water on every lot. Have your agent contact listing agent for a link to the Land.ID map.

Angebot von: Coldwell Banker Apex, REALTORS

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