North Texas Real Estate Information Systems, Inc.
Bob Vinson,  Bob Vinson Real Estate, LLC
Attribution Contact: 817-690-9901
764 Mitchell Road, Mansfield, テキサス 76063, アメリカ
記載価格: $9,500,000
1m2当たり売値: 2,787,057.75 $
状態: ACT
MLS登録番号: 20446456
不動産タイプ: 土地 売買物件, 土地
敷地面積: 36.69 平方フィート (3.41 m2)
不均整の区画 区画詳細:
Mansfield ISD 学区:
Brenda Norwood 小学校:
Mansfield Lake Ridge 高等学校:
Alma Martinez 中学校:
Property is vacant land located south of Heritage Pkwy between US Hwy 287 S and Mitchell Rd. 36.694 Acres according to survey dated May 03, 2018. Engineer estimates six acres in the flood area. Land is located in the middle of a rapidly developing area. Highway access road is being developed on the west side, US Hwy 287 S; massive Commercial and Industrial buildings have recently been built to the North; hospital to the NE is expanding and a new hospital has recently opened to the South, and residential homes are rapidly being developed to the South as well as new schools.

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