Maria Babaev - Luxury Long Island
Maria Babaev
Maria Babaev - Luxury Long Island
電話: 1 (516) 287-7716
ファックス: 1 (516) 200-5708
8 Wall Street, Huntington, NY 11743, アメリカ
記載価格: $2,449,000
1m2当たり売値: 0 $
MLS登録番号: 3500890
不動産タイプ: 住居居住用、売買物件, 店舗
敷地面積: 2,178 平方フィート (202 m2)
2 階数:
Located in the heart of historic and vibrant Huntington Village - known for its shops, restaurants, and community events. 2-story building with approximately 3,000 square feet of space. In addition to the main building, there is a 750-square-foot patio with a licensed bar and additional seating, which can be attractive to customers, especially during pleasant weather. Long time established restaurant/bar that attracts local residents and visitors alike. One of the more sought after locations in Huntington - Wall Street boasts street fairs during the summer and a winter carnival during holiday times. These events can bring increased foot traffic to the area, providing an excellent opportunity for the business to attract more customers during these periods. A lot of car and foot traffic. Street parking and nearby town lots. This is a great opportunity for an owner/user to take this long established business and expand with your vision. Taxes $19,345

提出者: Realty Masters North Shore
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